
A selection of projects that I'm proud of

Fine-Tuning BERT for Sentence-Pair Classification

Fine-Tuning BERT for Sentence-Pair Classification

This repository contains a TensorFlow implementation that demonstrates how to fine-tune BERT-based models for the sentence-pair classification task. By leveraging the Hugging Face transformers and datasets libraries, this project enables researchers and developers to quickly experiment and evaluate various BERT models.

Telecom Churn Prediction and Driving factors

Telecom Churn Prediction and Driving factors

In this project we analyse customer-level data of a leading telecom firm, build predictive models to identify customers at high risk of churn and identify the main indicators of churn. We also provide recommendations to reduce churn.

Automatic Ticket Classification

Automatic Ticket Classification

This project uses NLP to streamline support ticket classification and resolution process. The automation of the customer support ticket system using NLP and ML techniques allows companies to efficiently identify and categorize support tickets, assign them to the relevant team for swift resolution, and continuously improve their products and services.

CodePro Lead Scoring Pipeline design and implementation

CodePro Lead Scoring Pipeline design and implementation

In this project we design the pipeline structure for Lead Scoring for CodePro and implement the same using the AIrFlow to maximize profit through retraining pipeline and conducting development experimentation with MLFlow.

Sentiment Analysis on IMDB Reviews

Sentiment Analysis on IMDB Reviews

This project classifies reviews into Positive and Negative sentiment using the ML model trained on IMDB Reviews. This model uses Bag of words representation to process reviews to train the model.